PALERMO BOCCADIFALCO AIRPORT LICP - PERMISSION FOR LANDING AND PARKING If you have planned to land in Palermo Boccadifalco Airport, please note PRIOR PERMISSION IS REQUIRED. Please fill this PPR form and send back 24 hours in advance to Questo indirizzo e-mail è protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo. . For further info call +39 3497615818. The Palermo Boccadifalco Airport has an asphalted runway long 4200ft, surface is 360ft high on MSL; it is situated below Mount Cuccio (3.500ft), located at West – South West of the airfield. The runway is orientated 17/35; due to a slight northward slope (-2.19%), it is preferable to land at runway 17. On approaching Boccadifalco airport, the following route is suggested: - Entrance gate: Brancaccio, South-East of Palermo between the city and Mount Grifone; PLEASE READ FOLLOWING DOCUMENT: MAP: ARRIVING AND LEAVING IN LICP BY EAST
Important: Palermo Boccadifalco Airport LICP is close to Palermo Puntaraisi International Airport LICJ, located at west of Boccadifalco Airport. The approach of commercial aircraft going to LICJ is very close to Palermo Town, so we warmly recommend you to keep attention when leave Boccadifalco airport north-bound or west-bound. Ask info to Aeroclub Pilots and read AIP procedure and aerodrome chart. Please note all data and information you find in this website are only for your convenience. The responsability for flight conduct, landing, taking-off and other manouvers are at pilot discretion. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS There is not AFIS on Palermo Boccadifalco Airport, the closest Air Traffic Provider to contact is PALERMO APP 120.20. According to NOTAM C0367/17, when airport is in sight, pilots are advised to inform other traffic through broadcast call on the Aero Club frequency 122.60. The AEROCLUB PALERMO HISTORY The Palermo Aeroclub “Beppe Albanese” is a Sicilian sports association, that has federated with the Aero Club d’Italia. It aims at encouraging flying activities, interesting young people in the aviation world and training them at the flying school, with the view to help people in highly qualified, lucrative and sought-after professions. Moreover, the Aeroclub plans for helping people discover the beauties of air navigation and the emotions that may be derived from flying. The Aeroclub promotes air competitions among its associates. Over the last 60 years the Aeroclub has organized the International Air Race “Giro di Sicilia”, a renowned aeronautical competition attended by pilots from different European countries. Higly appreciated acrobatic numbers that take the audience’s breath away are performed on the occasion of this Air Race. The Aeroclub stands within the precints of the Palermo military airport. Once you enter, after having shown your credentials and autorizations, you experience a green and quiet oasis, which is interrupted by the familiar sound of the aircrafts engines. |